

【注释】在这方面受到广泛关注的文献主要有:Carol Harlow & Richard Rawlings, Law and Administration, London: Butterworths, 1997. 提出行政法“红灯理论”、“绿灯理论”与“黄灯理论”。Martin Loughlin, Public law and Political Theory, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992. 提出公法两种传统:规范主义模式与功能主义模式。Richard B. Stewart, ‘The Reformation of American Administrative Law’(1975), Harvard Law Review, Vol. 88, pp. 1669–1813. 提出行政法的“利益代表模式”。Gerald E. Frug, ‘The Ideology of Bureaucracy in American Law’(1984), Harvard Law Review, Vol. 97, pp. 1277–1388. 提出行政法的四种模式。Christopher F. Edley, Administrative Law: Rethinking Judicial Control of Bureaucracy, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1990. Alfred C. A man, Administrative Law in a Global Era, Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1992.
这种现象似乎可称作“后现代时期的公法(宪法与行政法)”,如参见:W. N. Eskridge and G. Peller, ‘The New Public Law Movement: Moderation as a Postmodern Cultural Form’, Michigan Law Review, Feb. , 1991. 这种研究风格反映了近年社会科学研究的一个共同趋势,如参见:(美)华勒斯坦等:《开放社会科学》,刘锋译,北京:三联书店,1997。
据我阅读所涉,“理论基础”(Rationale)一词在英美行政法学界是在80年代才作为重要课题被正式提出来的,如参见:Paul P. Craig, Administrative Law, 3rd ed., London: Sweet & Maxwell, 1994, p. 1.
他们是:牛津大学的A. V. Dicey, E. C. S. Wade, H. W. R. Wade, Paul Craig;伦敦经济政治学院的H. Laski, I. Jennings, de Smith, J. Griffith, P. McAuslan, C. Harlow;曼彻斯特大学的M. Loughlin;美国行政法的奠基者F. Goodnow, E. Freund, R. Pound;芝加哥大学的K. C. Davis;哥仑比亚大学的W. Gellhorn;哈佛大学的R. Stewart(现任职纽约大学), C. Edley, G. Frug;印第安那大学的A. Aman. 相应的文献,见本文注释。
行政案件受普通法院管辖,遵守普通法,政府与公民的法律关系类同于公民之间的民事关系。戴西为这一模式的理论代表。参见Carol Harlow & Richard Rawlings, Law and Administration, pp. 42–43.
一是固守戴西(A. V. Dicey)以来的规范主义传统,通过局部的技术性改造回应自由主义政府的理性重建。如F. A. Hayek, H. W. R. Wade, S. de Smith, K. C. Davis, W. Gellhorn;二是试图在反思规范主义传统和功能主义传统的基础上,以建设性的研究纲领综合新的理论挑战,如牛津大学的Paul Craig,伦敦经济政治学院的Carol Harlow和Richard Rawlings,曼彻斯特大学的Martin Loughlin;三是探索以新的理论基础或分析方法促成行政法学科领域的重新定位,如纽约大学的Richard Stewart,伦敦经济政治学院的Patrick McAuslan.
如参见:Paul P. Craig, Public Law and Democracy in U. K. and U. S. A., Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1990; B. Schwartz & H. Wade, Legal Control of Government: Administrative Law in Britain and the United States, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1972. 而戴西对行政法的论断自称代表了英美传统。
Walter Gellhorn, Federal Administrative Proceedings, Baltimore: John Hopkins, 1941, p. 5.
对早期学术传统的研究,参见,Ralph F. Fuchs, ‘Concepts and Policies in Anglo–American Administrative Law Theory’(1938), Yale Law Journal, Vol. 47.
A. V. Dicey, Introduction to the Study of the Law of the Constitution, London: Macmillan, 1885, p. 326.
A. V. Dicey, ‘The development of administrative law in England’( 1915), 31 L. Q. R. 148. 当然戴西比其后来者更熟悉当时法国行政法的情形。
参见前注6,“官法”(Official law)为戴西对法国行政法的专称。哈耶克认为,戴西当时实际上不太了解德国行政法的情况,“戴雪的严厉批判却绝不能适用于德国行政法院的原则;这些法院不仅一开始就是作为独立的司法机构加以建立的,而且其目的也在于保障戴雪极其热衷于捍卫的那种法治。”参见(英)哈耶克:《自由秩序原理》,邓正来译,北京:三联书店,1997,第258页。
Carol Harlow & Richard Rawlings, law and Administration, P. 38. 更详细的分析, 参见Martin Loughlin, Public Law and Political Theory, PP. 140–167;P. Craig, Public law and Democracy in U. K . and U. S. A., 第2章。
W. I. Jennings, ‘In Praise of Dicey(1885–1935)’(1935), 13 Pub. Admin. 123, 133.
Carol Harlow & Richard Rawlings, law and Administration, P. 29. 分析法学的经典文献为H. Hart, The Concept of law, Oxford: Clarendon, 1994, 2nd edn.
(美)华勒斯坦等:《开放社会科学》,刘锋译,北京:三联书店,第16页。对法学科学性的专题研究,参见郑戈:“法学是一门社会科学吗?——试论‘法律科学’的属性及其研究方法”,载于《北大法律评论》, 1998年第1卷。
在这方面,戴西超越了前人(如W. Blackstone, W. Bagehot)和同代的其他法学家(如F. W. Maidand),从1885年的《宪法研究导论》开始,英国公法学才真正有了独立的研究主题,对这一论断的支持,参见前注14的有关文献。
Martin Loughlin, Public Law and Political Theory, pp. 140–141.
C. K. Allen, Law and Orders(London, 1945),p. 28. 戴西已经意识到法国行政法在19世纪晚期开始的变化,但仍坚持认为英国“法治原则”无需修正。参见其论文:‘Droit Administratif in Modern French law’, Law Quarterly Review, Vol. XVII(1901).
W. I. Jennings, The Law and Constitution, London University Press, 1993. 詹宁斯在英国率先提出:“行政法是关于行政的法律,它决定着行政机关的组织、权力和职责。”并强调“行政法在本质上不同于私法”——大陆“官法”观念开始植入英国。
拉斯基在英语世界首先翻译和评论了狄骥的著作,参见Leon Duguit, Law in Modern State, F. and H. J. Laski(trans. ), London, 1921;Leon Duguit, ‘Law and the state’(1917), 31 Harvard Law Rew. 1, H. Laski(trans). ;H. Laski, ‘M. Duguit’s Conception of the State’, in A. Goodhart et al. , Modern Theories of Law, Oxford University. Press, 1993. 狄骥对英国行政法学的影响,参见Carol Harlow & Richard Rawlings, Law and Administration, pp. 68–75.
W. A. Robson, Justice and Administrative Law, 3rd ed. , London: Stevens, 1951, p. xi. Carol Harlow和Richard Rawlings认为,该书是英国行政法功能主义研究进路和绿灯理论的第一个范本,参见Law Administration, p. 73.
同上,W. A. Robson, pp. 572–573.
参见Carol Harlow & Richard Rawlings, Law and Administration, pp. 91–96. 尤其在60年代,要求建立行政法院制和发展独立公法体系的呼声受到整个社会的普通关注,参见J. D. B. Mitchell, ‘The Causes and Effects of the Absence of a System of Pubic Law in the United Kingdom’(1965), Public Law 95.
Martin Loughlin, Public Law and Political Theory, p. 181.
Carol Harlow & Richard Rawlings, Law and Administration, p. 30;另参见, P. Atiyah & R. Summers, Form and Substance in Anglo–American Law: A Comparative Study of Legal Reasoning, Legal Theory and Legal Institutions, Oxford: Clarendon, 1987.
Woodrow Wilson, ‘The study of Administration’, in Jay M. Shafriaz(ed.), Classics of Public Administration, Illionois: Moore Publishing Company, 1978, p. 3.
F. Goodnow, The Principles of the Administrative Law of the United States, H. Y. : Putnam, 1905, pp. 1–7, pp. 66–68.
E. Freund, Administrative Powers over Powers and Persons and Property, Chicago University Press, 1928, pp. 145–187
R. Pound, The Spirit of the Common Law(Boston, 1921), p. 72, 转引哈耶克《自由秩序原理》,第309页。
C. G. Haines, A Government of Laws or a Government of Men, University of California Press, 1929, p37.
参见U. S. Attorney–General’s Committee on Administrative Procedure, Report, Washington, D. C. : Government Printing office, 1941. 这委员会的任务类似于英国的“大臣权力调查委员会”的任务,但《报告》比后者走得更远,它遵循着“行政专横”的路径思考问题,认为“公法乃是一种人们必须臣服的法律”(subordinating law),也即个人利益从属于政府官员的利益,官员所为便代表法律。
R. Pound, Administrative Law: Its Growth, Procedure and Significance, Pittsburg University Press, 1942, pp. 19–20.
R. Pound, ‘Individualization of Justice’, 13 Columbia Law Review 686(1913), 转引自(美)E. 博登海默:《法理学:法律哲学与法律方法》,邓正来译,北京:中国政法大学出版社,1999,第149页。
John Dickson, Administrative Justice and the Supremacy of Law in the United States, N. Y. : Russell & Russell, 1927, p. 32.
Ralph F. Fuchs, ‘Concepts and Policies in Anglo–American Administrative Law Theory’(1938), Yale Law Journal, Vol. 47. 即使是偏向行政功能主义的E. Freund也承认,“行政法仍然被视作控制行政的法律,而非政府制定的法律。”
Richard B. stewart, ‘The Reformation of American Administrative Law’(1975), Harvard Law Review, Vol. 88.
Alfred C. Aman, ‘Administrative Law for a New Century’, in Michael Taggart(ed. ): The Province of Administrative Law, Oxford: Hart Publishing, 1997, pp. 90–117;另参见Alfred C. Aman, Administrative Law in a Global Era, Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1992.
J. Willis, ‘Three Approaches to Administrative Law: The Judicial, the Conceptual, and the Functional(1935), ’I univ. of Toronto Law Journal 53.
参见前注39,进一步的研究,参见Richard B. Stewart & Cass R. Sunstein, ‘Public Programs and Private Rights’(1982), Harvard Law Review, Vol. 95.作者再次指出行政法传统的“私权保障模式”(或称“控权模式”)的特点与局限性。但“利益代表模式”在放松管制时代重新面临合法性挑战,它的操作成本也是一个大问题,代表性的质疑文献,参见Merriek B. Gorland, ‘Deregulation and Judicial Review’(1985), Harvard Law Review, Vol. 98.
Gerald E. Frug, ‘The Ideology of Bureaucracy in American Law’(1984), Harvard Law Review, Vol. 97.
Carol Harlow & Richard Rawlings, Law and Administration, London: Butterworths, 1997, 这里引用第2版。
这种比喻借用了前人的措辞,参见Cecil Carr, Concerning English Administrative Law, Oxford: OUP, 1941, pp. 10–11.
H. W. R. Wade & C. Forsyth, Administrative Law, Oxford: Clarendon, 7th ed. , 1994, pp. 5–7. 韦德虽然认为戴西误解法国行政法而对这门学科在英国的独立化进程产生了一些消极的影响,但始终认为,“戴西著作的思想光辉是永恒的”,并以戴西后继者自称,参见韦德的讲座教授就职演说:H. Wade, ‘Law, Opinion and Administration’(1962), 78 L Q R188.
参见前注45引书,第91–127页。详细的论述,参见D. Yardley, Principles of Administrative Law, London: Butterworths, 1981; K. C. Davis, Discretionary Justice, Westport: Greenwood Press, 1969.
Martin Loughlin, Public Law and Political Theory, Oxford University Press, 1992.
参见前注54引书,第184–190页;另参见Carol Harlow & Richard Rawlings, Law and Administration, P. 38.
Martin Loughlin, Public Law and Political Theory, Oxford University Press, p. 60.
Martin Loughlin, ‘The Pathways of Public Law Scholarship’, in G. Wilson(ed. ), Frontiers of Legal Scholarship, Chichester: John Wiley, 1995.
如参见Gerald E. Frug, ‘The Ideology of Bureaucracy in American Law’(1984), Harvard Law Review, p. 1281;R. Stewart & C. Sunstein, ‘Public Programs and Private Rights’(1982), Harvard Law Review, Vol. 95, pp. 1239–1246;Martin Loughlin, Public Law and Political Theory, p. 59;C. Harlow & R. Rawlings, Law and Administration, pp. 44, 46,
缺乏独立公法体系的原因与后果,参见J. D. B. Mitchell, ‘The Causes and Affects of the Absence of a System of Public Law in the United Kingdom’(1965), Public Law, Vol. 95. 有许多学者认为,区分公法与私法是很有必要的,但很困难,尤其是私法公法化、公法私法化的交互影响。如参见S. de Smith, Lord Woolf & J. Jowell, Judicial Review of Administrative Action, London: Sweet and Maxwell, 5th ed. , 1995, pp. 155–156;Harry woolf, ‘Public Law–Private Law: Why the Divided?A Personal View’(1986), Public Law 220.
C. Harlow & R. Rawlings, Law and Administration, p. 90. 作者认为,红灯理论与绿灯理论是两种极端的理论模型,现实世界中更多的人持“黄灯理论”(amber light theory)观念。尤其是80年代以来行政法思想更向开放性、多元化发展。
一个初步的讨论提纲,参见包万超:“作为严格社会科学的行政法学”,《法制日报》,1999. 12. 19(上篇), 1999. 12. 26(中篇),2000. 1. 9(下篇)。
J. Shklar, Legalism, Harvard University Press, 1964, pp. 2–3.
J. Griffith, ‘The Law of Property(Land)’, in M. Ginsberg(ed. ), Law and Opinion in England in the 20th Century, London: Stevens, 1959, pp. 117–119.
M. Bouchard, ‘Administrative Law in the Real World: A view from Canada’, in M. Taggart(ed. ), Judicial Review of Administrative Action in the 1980s, Problems and Prospects, Auckland: OUP, 1986, PP. 194–195.
Martin Loughlin将Mitchell, Griffith和McAuslan作为战后英国公法功能主义传统的代表来介绍,参见:M. Loughlin, Public Law and Political Theory, pp. 190–210;但从1988年开始,McAuslan的思想有了重大的转变,参见P. McAuslan, ‘Public Law and Public Choice’(1988), The Modern Law Review, Vol. 51. 现在,牛津与伦敦经济政治学院仍然是英国公法学的两大重镇,行政法学的思想与体系的区别在两本通行的教科书中表现得泾渭分明,参见H. Wade & C. Forsyth, Administrative Law, Oxford: Clarendon, 7th ed. , 1994;C. Harlow & R. Rawlings, Law and Administration, London: Butterworths, 2nd ed. , 1997.
参见K. C. Davis, Discretionary, Justice, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1969. 戴维斯的一个基本命题是:行政法的设计目标是在规则约束与行政自由裁量权之间实现良好的平衡,控制行政自由裁量权不能仅仅诉诸立法与司法途径,行政科层制内部的控制至关重要。
几种重要的教材,参见:Kenneth F. Warren, Administrative Law in the Political System, 3rd. ed., N. J. : Prentice Hall, 1996;本书从社会契约理论的视角论述了政府和公民的权利义务的平等关系,提出行政法的目标是平衡社会利益与个人利益。Lief H. Carter & C. Harrington, Administrative Law and Politics, 2nd ed. , N. Y.: Harper Collins Publishers, 1991;本书的主题是突出行政法对公共行政的授权与控权的平衡功能。作者指出:“行政法,并不限于对政府权力的控制,而同时包括对政府的授权并维护这种权力的合法行使。”David H. Rosenbloom & R. O’leary, Public Administration and Law, 3rd ed., N. Y.: Marcel Dekker, 1997.
Roy P. Frairfield(ed.), The Federalist Papers, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1981, Chapter 51. 以人权保障与实现有限政府为特征的自由宪政实际上是新教人性哲学世俗化的产物,它同时勘定了英美行政法的宪政基础。对这一主题的论述,参见包万超:“儒教与新教:百年宪政建设的本土情结与文化抵抗”,载于《大法律评论》,1999年,总第2辑。
W. A. Robson, Justice and Administrative Law, 3rd ed., London: Stevens, 1951, pp. 572–573. 二战前, W. I. Jennings是另一位行政法院体制的重要倡导者。
C. Harlow & R. Rawlings, Law and Administration, p. 76.
J. Griffith & H. Street, Principles of Administrative Law, London: Pitman, 5th ed. , 1973, p. 24.
关于这一主题的代表性文献,参见S. Breyer & R. Stewart, Administrative Law and Regulatory – Policy, Boston: Little, Brown & Co. 1979。
这一假设出自威尔逊的《公共行政研究》一文,参见前注29, W. Wilson(1887), ‘The Study of Administration’.
H. Gerth & C. Mills(ed. ), From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology, N. Y.: Oxford University Press, pp. 233–235.
关于公共选择理论的权威性综述,参见Dennis C. Muller, Public Choice II, Cambridge University Press, 1989, 可参见中译本《公共选择理论》,杨春学等译,北京:中国社会科学出版社,1999。
关于公共选择的分析方法和行为假设,布坎南和塔洛克在《同意的计算》(1962)一书中首先作了深入论述,布坎南在80年代的两篇论文中再次明确提出和界定了方法上的个人主义、经济人假设和作为交换的政治的含义。参见James M. Buchanan and Gordon Tullock, The Calculus of Consent: Logical Foundations of Constitutional Democracy, Ann Arbar: Michigan University Press, 1962, pp. 3–39; James M. Buchanan, ‘The Public Choice Perspective’(1983), Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice, Vol. 1;James M. Buchanan, ‘The Constitution of Economic Policy’(1987), American Economic Review, Vol. 77。
James M. Buchanan, The Limits of Liberty, University of Chicago Press, 1975, p. 162.
R. Victor, Contrived Competition: Regulation and Deregulation in America, London: Harvard University Press, 1994, p. 311.
塔洛克(1967)第一次系统地讨论了寻租行为,但率先使用“寻租”(rent seeking)一词的是克鲁格(1974)。参见G. Tullock, ‘The Welfare Costs of Tariffs, Monopolies and Theft’(1967), Western Economic Journal, Vol. 5;A. Krueger, ‘The Political Economy of the Rent–Seeking Society’(1974), American Economic Review, Vol. 64.“寻租”是公共选择学派的核心概念之一,关于这方面的研究,有两本权威性论集:Buchanan, J. M. , Tollison, R. D. , and Tullock, G. (ed.), Toward a Theory of the Rent–seeking Society, Texas A. & M. University Press, 1980;Rowley, C. K., Tollison, R. D., and Tullock, G.(ed. ), The Political Economy of Rent Seeking, Boston: Kruwer Academic Publishers, 1988.
Stigler, G. J., ‘The Theory of Economic Regulation’(1971), Bell Journal of Economics and Management Science, Vol. 2. 进一步的论述,参考(美)G. J. 施蒂格勒:《产业组织和政府管制》,潘振民译,上海人民出版社、上海三联书店,1996。
Buchanan, J. M., The Limits of Liberty, University of Chicago Press, 1975, p. 91.
Niskanen, W. A., Bureacracy and Representative Government, Chicago: Aldine Press, 1971, p. 38.
彼特?肖夫总结了英、美、澳大利亚和新西兰等国家的行政改革经验,认为指导思想是“公共选择政治学——通过市场的治理。”参见Peter Self, Government by the Market: The Politics of Public Choice, London: The Macmillan Press, 1993.
遵循管理主义思路的行政改革在实践中具有五个特征:明确的责任、产出和绩效取向、以半独立的行政单位为主的分权结构,引进私营企业的管理工具(如成本核算),以市场机制改进政府竞争体制。参见Hood, C., ‘A Public Management for All Seasons?’, Public Administration, vol. 69;奥斯本的《改革政府》这部名著提出了重塑企业化政府(Entrepreneurial Government)的十个原则,参见(美)奥斯本?盖布勒:《改革政府:企业精神如何改革着公营部门》,上海市政协编译组编译,上海译文出版社,1996。
参见Thompson, P., ‘Public Sector Management in a Period of Radical Change: 1979–1992’, in Flynn, N. (ed. )(1994), Change in the Civil Service, London: CIPFA, PP. 33–38.
撒切尔政府和里根政府时期的改革主题,参见Swann, D., The Retreat of the State: Deregulation and Privatisation in the UK and US, N. Y.: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1988。
Carol Harlow & Richard Rawlings, Law and Administration, pp. 148–151. 本书从行政法的理论基础到行政契约、管制与放松管制、行政程序和司法审查等基本制度评述了,重塑英国行政法的内容和各种争论。
参见M. Freedland, ‘Government by Contract and Public Law’(1994), Public Law, Vol. 86. 《放松管制与合同出租法》(1994)及其相关立法代表英国90年代行政立法的方向,推动英国从传统“管理型国家”(the regulatory state)向“契约化国家”(the contracting state)的转向。
沃伦教授从社会契约的视角论述了政府与公民之间权利义务上的平等关系,认为行政法的目标转变是从执行“正当程序”向“平衡社会利益与个人利益”的发展。参见Kenneth F. Warren, Administrative Law in the Political System, N. Y.: Prentice Hall, 1996, 3rd. , pp. 509–569;“契约法,不再象过去认为的那样,是行政法的次要问题,新的行政契约法无疑已处于发展的中心位置”,契约已被视作保守党政府厉行改革的主要工具。参见Carol Harlow & Richard Rawlings, Law and Administration, p. 150, pp. 207–251。
如参见Alfred C. Aman, ‘Administrative Law for a New Century’, in Michael Taggart(ed. ), The Province of Administrative Law, Oxford: Hart Publishing, 1997, pp. 90–117。
K. Werhan, ‘The Neoclassical Revival in Administrative Law’(1992), Admin. Law Review, Vol. 44.
Alfred C. Aman, Administrative Law in Global Era, Ithaca: Cornell Univ. Press, 1992, p. 5.
Jurgen Schwarze, European. Administrative Law, London: Sweet and Maxwell, 1992, pp. 140–153. 关于欧共体法对英国行政法的重大影响,参见S. De Smith, Woolf & Jowell, Judicial Review of Administrative Action, 5th ed. , London: Sweet & Marwell, 1995, pp. 823–899。
Christopher F. Edley, Administrative Law: Rethinking Judicial Control of Bureaucracy, H. H.: Yale Univ. Press, 1990.
如参见Merrick B. Garland, ‘Deregulation and Judicial Review’(1985), Harvard Law Review, Vol. 98.
如参见Patrick Mc Auslan, ‘Public Law and Public Choice’(1988), The Modern Law Review, Vol. 51;Daniel A. Farber. and Philip P. Frickey, Law and Public Choice, Chicago Univ. Press, 1991;Glen O. Robinson, American Bureaucracy: Public Choice and Public law, Michigan Univ. Press, 1991.
行政学家早已意识到自身学科面临着同样的挑战,他们注意到:“对传统公共行政范式的最大挑战和对传统公共行政主流研究方法提出如此严厉的批判,大多数来自于以经济学为基础的公共选择学派”。参见(英)戴维. 米勒、韦农. 波格丹诺编:《布莱克维尔政治学百科全书》,邓正来等译,中国政法大学出版社,1992,第613页。

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