
  Fourth, state sovereignty must be respected. Peacekeeping operations involving internal ethnic and nationalist conflicts should acquire the consent of the host country and the authorization of the UN in case peacekeeping be exploited as a means to undermine a legitimate government. But on the other hand, it may be impossible to acquire consent of a host country when conflicts have escalated to war and the legitimate government has been undermined or is unable to operate effectively. In this case, force may be used but only for humanitarian aid to the local population, necessarily by humanitarian means and with no violation of the sovereign integrity of the country.
  Yet, peacekeeping can only maintain peace and order during the deployment period. It is impractical to expect peacekeeping operations to resolve all problems. The final settlement of the conflicts and disputes after the withdrawal of the peacekeeping troops principally rests upon the will and co-operation of the protagonists. In this regard, as is stipulated by the UN Charter, the UN can act effectively to promote understanding and reconciliation between different peoples.
  Dramatic changes have occurred to international situations and a new world order is beginning to take shape. The UN is undertaking a much heavier load of peacekeeping operations than ever in the turbulent and unstable transitional process toward multipolarization as peacekeeping has a unique advantage compared with other means to settle international disputes and conflicts. Hopefully, peacekeeping operation can be developed into a new and efficient system for the maintenance of international peace and security through constant improvements and adjustments.
Benton, Barbara, Soldiers for Peace, New York: Facts On File, Inc., 1996
Dervort, Thomas R. Van, International Law and Organization, California: SAGE
  Publications, Inc.,1998
Diehl, Paul F., International Peacekeeping, Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University

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